

Lead Pastor

I was born in the Darjeeling area of India and grew up in a strong Christian family. My parents were pioneer Christians of the Nepali church in this area and I am always grateful of the godly heritage that I carry.  In my teens and after a couple years of wandering, I had a tangible and life changing encounter with God and decided to personally accept Christ - life has never been the same since! I joined Youth With a Mission (YWAM) and served as a missionary with them for 27 years in Central and South Asia. Along with my husband and two children, I moved to Adelaide some years ago and have been the Lead Pastor at AACC since 2014.

My life has benefited from a missionary philosophy of embracing the wider church, my Presbyterian upbringing and my later involvement in the Anglican Church, has grounded me in the study of the Bible and the beauty of Christian liturgy. The transition to AACC has been easier in the way the church has been able to incorporate the strengths of several denominations, highlighted by the input of three ministers (Anglican, Lutheran, Pentecostal) who shared in the early years of AACC's formation.

My passion is for every Christian to find their call, become empowered and released to serve God in the fullness of who they were created to be. I believe every church has a specific call and destiny to fulfil. It gives me great pleasure to journey with AACC and other churches that we work with, seeing them live out their call in the Kingdom of God and in doing so, shape and influence society around them.

As a mother I am also grateful to journey with my two beautiful adult children who have continued to whole heartedly follow the Lord’s call upon their lives.

When I am not at church I thoroughly enjoy spending time with the family, going for long walks or runs and scouting out the best coffee places in Adelaide.